Seeing those little wooden boxes took me right back to childhood and remembering my mum used to have a small round one on her dressing table. I shall have to ask her if she still has it. Very interesting finding out their history. I’m very much looking forward to the next Philly book

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Hi Jo, I think this is the first time I realised you've branched out to SubStack! Interesting to realise it's 50 years since Abba won Eurovision. I have no memory of that. I think I was around 10 then and may have been living out in rural Queensland where we only had the ABC! You continue to amaze me with all that you squeeze into life, the writing and reading and research and travel and astrology and walking and cooking and more! I'm very keen to catch up on all the books you've written once my life settles down a bit because I know that the ones I have read I enjoyed very much! It must be lovely to create a world into which you can escape and explore and develop as your mind imagines! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope to see you again & have a great weekend! xo

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Sounds like a good week, Jo. If you looked at my searches for this week, you'd find accredited wellness coaching courses, frozen shoulder, and teeth whitening strips!

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What a great recap of your week Jo. I'm sure the research for your books is so fascinating and lots of rabbit holes for you to dive down. As an ardent ABBA fan I had all their albums and still know all the words to all the songs. I had one of those velvet jumpsuits in dark green too LOL :)

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Great catch up Jo!! Love all the info about your research for Philly.

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Those photos are what I picture Chipwell looking like!

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I love anchovies! I've just finished the Rev Cole's novel - not bad. And his memoir about losing his husband to alcohol addiction. Love ABBA! That cape is a thing of beauty!


sherry #WWWhimsy

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We watched the concert celebrating Abba on Swedish TV, attended by the Swedish King and Queen. It was OK but not all the guests were that good at singing!

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I heard about Abba and couldn't believe, (though of course I did know) that it was 50 years. It was interesting to read about your research. I read a book about the witch trials in Scotland. Of course, at the moment I can't remember the title. At the moment I'm reading your new book, One For Sorrow, and having trouble putting it down. I'm thinking this could be your best yet, but I'm not even halfway through it yet. Such a great story.

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Thank you - you’ve made my day. I live the characters and the setting.

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I love the rabbit holes you end up in. And now reading this stuff here I will get a special "inside" feeling when I read the next Philly!

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Thanks Bernie…. I hope so!

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