So much happening Jo, I love reading your updates and learning how your writing is progressing. Thanks for sharing the Philly excerpt - sounds great!!

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Absolutely love hearing about the behind the scenes of the next Philly and really enjoyed the sneak peak of Deverill Grange.

Thanks also for sharing the writers podcast - I shall be checking that one out.

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Hi Jo - lovely to see you being a famous author being interviewed. I always find it interesting to hear myself back when someone interviews me (on the rare occasion that happens) I don't realize I have an Aussie accent until that moment (it's a little cringey!) Anyhoo, glad all the writing is progressing smoothly and that you have plans for another trip - you and Denyse will be filling my inbox with UK pics as the year progresses.

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I can't listen to myself. I know I have an accent and that I speak way too fast, but it was fun to do.

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Hi Jo, I'll definitely be popping over to listen to you on Sandy Docker's Podcast - how exciting! I do not know how on earth you get out of bed at 4:20am each morning. I know the sunrises would be worth it though - but geesh - I couldn't get up at that hour on a regular basis! I'm very keen to see your upcoming series of posts on writing etc because my *dream* (might always just be a dream) is to write and illustrate a children's book. A bit different to what you do but writing pointers interest me nonetheless! I enjoyed reading your snippet from your latest book that you're writing. You're so good! Loving the look of your soup recipe too - another one to add to me list to try! Thanks so much for linking up with #WWWhimsy & best wishes for a very happy month of May ahead for you! xo

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Trust me, at this time of the year it's tough to get up that early. It also means I'm in bed super early. Your illustrations would be lovely in a kids book.

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