I am so sorry to hear about Kali - our pets are part of the family and I hope she makes an improvement and gives you a few more years of love.

Coffee buns - well, I grew up in Scotland and have never seen one before, but they do sound good.

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I think they're from the 30s and 40s, 50s ... way before our time lol. Kali is spending the night in hospital so fingers crossed I have my darlin back tomorrow.

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Keeping my fingers crossed for Kali!

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Baking soothes the soul. Best wishes for a speedy recovery

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Oh dear. I do hope your pup will be OK. As a person who would stop a bullet for my two sweeties, I completely understand your concern. The Scottish coffee buns look good. Thanks.

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sending best wishes for your dog. Coffee buns sound sublime. I love my coffee!


sherry https://sherryspickings.blogspot.com/

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Oh I am so sorry to read this! I hope they figure out what is wrong with Kali and help her feel so much better.

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Hi Jo - so very sorry to hear that little Kali isn't doing well. I hope they figure out what the problem is and she rallies again to live a much longer and happy life. Glad you had some baking to calm your mind a little and the plate is really pretty - got to love a good op shop find. x

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Ah so sorry to read about Kali. They are our soul mates and it's hard. If all her blood work is good perhaps she has "vestibular disease"? Is she off in a spatial sort of way? Do hope they get it diagnosed and treated.

As to the coffee buns I will pass seems the taste of coffee is repulsive to me. Weird yes I know!

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Oh and weirdly the original version from the 30s (yes, I went down the rabbit hole) didn't even have coffee in it. Go figure.

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but were called coffee buns! I know during the wars there were coffee shortages but the 30's is between them.

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I don't like coffee either - this is just a faint ... hummm. We've had ultrasounds and she's spending the night in hospital on a drip. The vet is amazed that her insides are as healthy as they are for a lady of her advanced age (she'll be 16 in November) so hopefully I have her home tomorrow.

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It's odd to find other non coffee drinkers. Here in NA everyone thinks I am some kind of weird alien. Fingers crossed she comes home soon.

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Jo - I am so sorry to hear about Kali. I am sending my warmest healing prayers for her right now. Thinking of you.

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Thank you x

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deletedMay 22Liked by Joanne Tracey
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Thank you. For now I'm staying hopeful.

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