Hope you soon feel better. It’s amazing how stress can really bash our immune system. So glad your Kali is getting back to normal

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I too am glad Kali is home and doing well…and like “all parents” we fall into a heap afterwards right? So sorry you are unwell but you have cooked up some goodness there! I’m listening to a most fascinating author - Clover Stroud - narrate her latest which is about “home” and I relate to so much! Denyse x

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Wow so much goodness in this post Jo! So pleased Kali is feeling better, you must be so relieved! Well done on the writing front, you are an inspiration to us all with how you do it and share your progress with us too. Thanks for joining us for #wwwhimsy, always good to have you here.

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Glad to hear Kali is feeling better! But I wish you were too, hope you are feeling better real soon.

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Delighted to hear that Kali has recovered. Oscar does his afternoon zoomies AFTER tea. It was interesting to read how difficult the middle part of a novel is to write. As someone who is in absolute awe of anyone who can write a novel, I think you do a fabulous job of your writing.

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That last soup would definitely go down well with Karl.

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Hi, Jo - I am delighted to hear that Kali is back to her usual self -- doing zoomies. This is so wonderful to hear. Congratulations on your great progress with your writing. lI love hearing behind the scene takes of how your writing unfolds. And I can't wait to read the next installment of Philly!

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Hi Jo - a week of highs, lows, and in betweens for you. So glad Kali has rallied and back to her bright little self - how would you be able to write without her? Hope the cold is gradually improving and that the soups keep you fuelled up while you recover. xx

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Hi Jo, so pleased that Kali is home and all is okay again. It must have been a worry for you all. I really enjoy reading 'The Ramble'. I'm always impressed with you and your writing. I mean writing a cozy crime and not knowing 'whodunnit?' what a creative mind you have. Enjoy your week and extra cuddles with Kali. xx

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