I had no idea there was a gull screeching contest. I'm thinking I haven't been missing out on much, but can appreciate the effort that the winner put in on getting it just right. That bread does look lovely. Yum!

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I heard about the Nutbush and had no idea it was an Australian thing! Love the 'I didn't know this a Thing file' :). You are doing so well with your writing Jo and I love that you share your processes with us plus a few lines here and there - that make no sense but are fun to read. Thanks for joining us for #wwwhimsy this week and that slice looks great!

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I'm enjoying the share your lines thing - even though in isolation they make no sense at all.

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I did wonder what an Alpaca loaf was, Jo when I saw the email subject heading. I'll be trying that Zuchinni Fruit bread though for sure. I have 'What happened to Nina?' downloaded but haven't started it yet. Yes, I saw on the ABC that the Nutbush was an Australian invention - of course we do inventions best don't we? I dare anyone to sit down when Nutbush is playing. On another note, we are going to Tina the Musical in July and I for one will be dancing in the aisle especially to the Nutbush. Thanks for sharing at #wwwhimsy x

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It's funny, I can't stand the song, but when it comes on your shoulders start to go and the actions just happen.

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How good is a zucchini loaf?! As for Bridgerton, the fashion of the Ton becomes you! Good job with the writing, I'm in awe at how many ideas you have and how expertly and creatively you can express them on paper. As for the gull screeching competition, hats off to the winner but I can't help but feel a bit sorry for his neighbours while he was practicing!

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I hadn't thought about that, but OMG his neighbours must have hated it!

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Hi Jo - I love your Bridgerton character - she looks like someone's lovely aunt who the young women would go to for relationship advice :D Keep pressing on with the writing - the end is in sight and I'm still amazed at how prolific you are and all the ideas you have in your head that find their way onto the page - just gobsmacking!

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I would have so much relationship advice to give too...

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I am making this tomorrow to go into the baby bundle package for our Auzzie friends so thanks for the reciepe. As to all the things I did not know -- well now I am so much wiser!

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Don't say you don't learn anything here lol.

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Well congratulations to you for kicking some of those goals which were tough ones! I certainly remember doing that dance with the kids at the various schools but my daughter (teacher too) said it was called, then, the Madison, but we did it to Nutbush! So go us, in NSW schools! I love that you call the loaf where you ate it for the first time! AI is annoying me in that FB puts it up in the search! But I think to cute images from Bridgestone are sweet! Denyse x

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I thought you'd like the Nutbush trivia.

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