Buy the red plate.

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Take it easy, rest up. I think post covid, our bodies aren't up to what they used to be. So many people I know are getting so sick from flu and pnemonia, coughs that require antibiotics to recover...or even hospitalisation. It's just weird (or we are all much older than I realise). YOu've sold me on on the 1932 book. Intrigued. Off to find.

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Sorry to hear about the cough - I couldn't shift mine for ages. May I suggest a dose of chicken soup - that always does the trick. I think you showed great restraint with the collectibles - I'd say one or two have your names all over them. In other news your jammy dodgers look perfect!

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It's not good having a lingering cough and cold Jo, hopefully you're starting to feel better soon. I like the look of Fake and love David Wenham, as it's on Paramount + I'm not sure I'll be able to watch it but I will look at the book you mentioned. I like Grant's 'letting a fox loose in the hen house', it must have been hard to resist such treasures and on your first day too!

Thanks for sharing at #WWWhimsy.

Debbie #TeamWWWhimsy

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I am so sorry to hear you are fighting off another cold! I hope you are feeling better soon. We're in the midst of a major heatwave so no soup for us... in fact I don't want to cook anything at all but I will have to come up with something for tonight.

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Hi Jo. I will definitely be making your leek and potato soup. It's been a tough month for you, so my advice would just take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. You probably caught the lurky due to being so down about Kalli. Well that's my theory, not based on any fact at all. So interested to read what you thought of Fake. We plan to watch it asap. It looks really great.

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Hope you are feeling better soon. Soup weather over here too - and tonight is one with leek, leftover chicken, butter beans and greens. Hope it works out OK!

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Hi, Jo - I'm sorry to hear that your head cold is continuing. Sending you huge get-well wishes across the miles.

Oh, and if those gorgeous vintage plates are still at your when you are there next, defintely buy them!

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Hello, Jo. Love the plate on which your bikkies sit! It's almost art deco-ish.

I also agree that its soup time - we've decided to have a whole week of soups for dinner. We started with Sally Frawley's cauliflower and fennel soup (beautiful). Then last night moved onto pumpkin and sweet potato soup (there's enough for tonight). Tomorrow we will have Mediterranean White Bean Soup. And gosh, if I run out of puff by the weekend, it must be Big Red tomato soup with all the veggies left in the fridge thrown in. All perfect for a week of freezing frosts followed by rain, followed by further cold weather.

Have fun!

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Hi Jo - you just need to overprice everything you like at the op shop and then it'll be there the following week for you to buy :) Sorry to hear you haven't been well - my SIL has had exactly the same long running cold/cough/asthma/lack of energy thing. She keeps going to the GP to find her miracle cure - and so far it has appeared - she (and you) just need to take it easy and give the body time to recover its mojo again. I hope you're firing on all 10 cylinders again soon x

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Thanks Leanne, I hope so too.

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that should be *hasn't appeared!

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Hi Jo, please take care of yourself! Your cough doesn't sound good (even though I haven't heard it, it sounds bad written down). You let loose in the collectables area of a charity shop, hmmmm you will certainly need all of your willpower there. Thanks for the recipe for the Potato and Leek Soup with Bacon and Chickpeas, I might give this a whirl on the weekend. As always thanks for supporting and linking up to #WWWhimsy. Hope your cold improves soon, although even though you cough like a banshee you certainly aren't one! #TeamWWWhimsy

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Trust me, you don't want to hear it. Grant is sick of hearing it.

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