Hi Jo - I always find it interesting to see which books and movies other people like - and often they don't resonate with me at all. For some reason I've never found an Australian author that I've enjoyed - maybe familiarity of setting breeds contempt? I'm also not a fan of Australian movies, they always seem a little overdone to me....

Glad all the author-ing is going well and keeping you busy and off the street :D

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oh no!! I just realized you'd come under the category of "Australian author" so I'd better rephrase that sentence to..... I rarely find an Australian author I enjoy.....

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Lately i have many DNFs! Life is just way too short ... I am so glad someone else couldn't finish Boy swallows universe. And i only finished Lola cos it was for bookclub. Otherwise a DNF for sure.



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From your partial description, I don't think I read your current DNF. Although I did read and enjoy the current Lianne Moriarty book, Nine Perfect Strangers was not my thing. I did read the whole book but I truly could not wait for it to end.

On the other end of the spectrum, like you, I am currently reading Anna Karenina - very slowly - savouring every word and nuance. I am 25% of the way through and may stop for awhile so that I can draw it out even more!

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I'm like you, Joanne. I would prefer not to name the DNF's as that could be/might be one of my own books one day. Reading and reviewing is so subjective that in the end, I can't imagine why anyone else's opinions on certain books matter. Only what it privately meant (or not) to us.

One of my aunt's favourite sayings was 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all...' That was 40 years ago. It still holds true, don't you think?

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I am about a third of the way through a book and am not sure I want to read any more. There is an undercurrent of bullying/nastiness that I don't like, and you know the 'baddies' are going to win somehow.

I liked the early Liane Moriarty but thought in the last two she had lost her way.

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Can't wait to see the covers! And you know we all want to know what the books was. ;) I'm a bit the same. I always am a bit wary of huge bestsellers and it sometimes makes me want to steer clear of the bandwagon. As you say, we are all different and like different things. It would be boring if we were all the same.

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Wow, I was so meant to read this post right now. I have just returned a title to Audible after I decided to get it because "popular" author with initials LM. I listen to books as you know and couldn't bear the patronising, girly inflections and so much more from the narrator. Need to be less swayed by "popular". As for Trent, I disliked his second book very much, but for me he came good with Lola. But as I already LIKE him and his stories a lot, it was good. There is always some underlying social messages in his works and Lola is not different.

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