I'm listening to First Lie Wins right now and it's so good! Those sunrises are just beautiful. All the food looks so yummy.

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First Lie Wins really surprised me.

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Lots of fabulous food as always - and all that creamy chickeny leeky goodness had my mouth watering just a little (well.... a lot). Great sunrise pics and I'm a little bit jealous of your warmer days - it's still cold and bleak over here.

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I think our winter is so lovely that when I pine for a longer winter I tend to forget that for most others it's bleak.

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Mooloolaba looks amazing in your pics. So clear and dare I say warm?

Spring is well and truly sprung here but nature in its unforgiving way, has brought us snow, howling wind and rain and so the ewes and newborn lambs are struggling today. It's what I hate about spring - this whole survival of the fittest thing.

Shall make a one tin bake to compensate...

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Mother Nature can be cruel like that. There's an intersection where plovers nest each year and each year I can't drive by until I know the babies have fledged and left or not made it. The same with the ducks. And yes, bake something in a tin - it's perfect compensation.

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oh my word that BOAC jug is divine! Lots of good food in your post Jo. I am a huge Nigella fan but everyone has their bad days (recipes) I guess :) I really must get into Nagi's Dinner book a bit more. I've only made one or two of her recipes. Phew the heat has stopped for a bit. We had to put the doonah back on the last couple of nights.



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It is the perfect time of year up here in Queensland isn't it, Jo? Your early morning photos are stunning, so crisp and clear. Well done on starting a new novel and I always look forward to your next publication - hopefully not to long to wait for the next Philly??? As for The World According to Garp let's just say the next book club discussion should be very interesting. As always love the foodie pics and your recipes. Have a lovely week my friend and thanks for the Ramble! x

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It's always a good discussion, isn't it? Wishing you a lovely week too...

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Hi, Jo - posting a daily line from your writing sounds fabulous. I would love that!

After a very stretched out read, I finished Garp yesterday and was very sad to be done.

It is such a layered book so I am still thinking deeply about it, but it was unquestionably a 5-star read for me. I greatly look forward to our discussion.

PS - What do you have against Stawberry Lattes?

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I don't drink lattes because they contain too much milk, and my tummy doesn't like that, but I don't use milk substitutes because I don't like the taste. I also don't like flavoured things, so strawberry lattes are a yeah, nah thing for me.

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The bagel sandwich is a standout for me. I had to Google Rocket. I like it even more now.

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I think you call it arugula ...

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Strawberry latte? Hard pass

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yep, me too. Ugh.

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Sunrise pictures are amazing. Loose Goose looks like a great find, good to pleasure delay! Hungry just looking at those pics. I'm sure I've had a Nigella fail on the baking front, and the trust is rocked. Then Cook, Eat, Repeat comes along and all is forgiven! Thanks for the boy who bakes link.

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I was very quick to forgive Nigella, I mean, hello, it's Nigella. And yes, Cook, Eat, Repeat ... enough said.

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hmm the food at The Loose Goose looks good as do the ginger biccies.

I’m loving the sunrises too at the moment but gosh it is a bit warm for the time of year!

Looking forward to reading a few of your lines in progress.

Love that jug!

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It's too early for these temps, isn't it? I love that jug - it's so tempting to bring all the lovely things home.

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I wouldn’t be able to work in an op shop - I would bring all the interesting homeware and books home every time!

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the temptation is real.

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See you also enjoyed Rick Stein’s Cider, Chicken and Leek Gratin - have made it twice now as it is so easy and satisfying. Wonderful sun rise pictures.

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Sooooooo good.

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Those sunrise photos are AMAZING! As for you working in an op shop.. very tempting I'm sure. So HOT here right now my back was feeling the sun's heat at 10.30! Come on late Winter I need you back for a bit!

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Grant reckons me working in the op shop is like letting the fox in the hen house. He has a point lol.

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