Love C J Sansom’s books but not sure about the Disney program. Sometimes I like the characters to stay as I have imagined them.

Grant’s comment about working in the op shop made me chuckle! Love that plate design.

Feeling very sad about Michael Mosley, especially thinking of his wife and four children. He was very inspirational and yet so down to earth.

Thank you for sharing your behind the scenes in the writing process. Always interesting

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I haven't watched the Disney program (and don't have it as a streaming service) but I know what you mean about imagining characters in a certain way.

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You put me onto Michael Mosley in one of your posts ages ago Jo and I now love his podcasts, so sad!! I'm always keen to read about the writing processes, so thanks for sharing.

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oh yes it was very sad about Dr Mosley. It still seems so weird as to why he wandered off like that. Love that Royal Doulton plate!! So gorgeous. I write short stories and i have to say that the editing part is my fave :) Less pressure... cheers sherry https://sherryspickings.blogspot.com/

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I was not a fan (had nothing against hi, just didn't watch anything or read anything) but I can not get it out of my head. I need to know what he was thinking - the why he left the bus stop, the why he kept forging ahead. I just can't stop thinking about it. And how awful it must have been for him towards the end.I don't know why.

Well done on the book - you really are a powerhouse...#WWWHimsy

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I’ve been exactly the same - all of the decision points are stuck in my brain

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Hobby horsing...who knew? I need to look for a video of a competition to get the full effect. Congratulations on your book progress! It won't be long to publication now. And finally, I love the idea of joyfully healthy food.

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Thanks Christie…& a great big yes to joyfully healthy

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I would have never thought that hobby horsing was a thing! Glad the editing is going well.

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I know, right?

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I like the title of "The Happiest Diet in the World". This old world could certainly use more happiness surrounding food.

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I couldn't agree more.

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Hi Tracey. The editing process sounds horrendous to me. I'm not sure that I could cope with it. The comment Grant made about you going to work in the Op Shop reminded me of when I worked in a jewellery store. My wages were always in the red, but I bought a few pieces of lovely jewellery, which of course, is all that matters. I agree with your comments about Michael Mosely, as a long time fan. I've been very sad about what happened to him.

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Every time I get the marked up document I'm not sure I can cope with it either lol.

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Hi Jo, so interesting to read about the editing process with your books. You amaze me with your productivity! Love that Royal Doulton plate from the op shop in Mooloolaba - what a find! I'm still in shock over the death of Michael Mosley! Thanks for the recipe & for linking up with #WWWhimsy Have a great week! xo

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Thanks Min. I was pretty happy with my op shop find - Grant not so much lol.

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Hi Jo, wasn't Michael Mosely's death a shock. It shows we can never take life for granted can we? I loved my hobby horse when I watched Romper Room - I wonder if I still have it and maybe enter that comp in July LOL :) I enjoy an historical novel so Dissolution sounds good to me. Have a great week. x

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There you go - you've found your olympic sport!

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So much here Jo - really interesting about all the editing process and how in depth it all is (and yet so often I see typos etc slip thru in the books I read - I guess nothing's perfect). I've seen a video of hobby horsing and it gave me a smile. Excellent work on doing a spot of volunteering, I've thought about doing the same at our local St Vinnies or Salvos but haven't done anything yet - I'm not sure if the desire and the reality would actually match, but I miss volunteering (I think??)

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As far as I'm concerned, after the number of times a book is read before publication - and by so many people - any typos that sneak through deserve their place.

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I'm going to remember that next time I see an extra word (or a missing one) :D

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deletedJun 12
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I can't resist poking around antique shops...

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