Hi Jo, just catching up now and have loved seeing all your Wellington shots. We have been to NZ twice in recent years but never got to Wellington so will add it to our list. Your photos look great and that windswept hair do is just the best!! Great news about Philly Barker and your next Clementine Carter book being in the pipeline. Fabulous! #TeamWWWhimsy

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LOVE the ways in which you have captured Windy Wellington. It's so good you and your bestie get to catch up like this. I love the look of the cheese scones...and with butter I could eat there. I love the name "The Ramble" by the way. Denyse #TeamWWWhimsy

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Hi Jo, very glad to hear you made that deadline! I completely get it ... I need commitments to 'other' people and deadlines etc too or I too can drift! Love that photo of you! LOL I have one very similar of me taken atop Lanarch Castle in Dunedin. Cheese Scones .... ohhhh yummm! How lovely to have a BFF who lives in a city you love so much! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - enjoy the rest of your stay there! xo

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"Weird Thngs That Olympians Received" sounds like my kind of rabbit hole. I am off to check that out now! <3

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I do much better with commitments to others than promises I make with myself too! It looks like a fun and delicious trip. I've always wanted to take any sort of cooking class on vacation but never have... I should look into one for our next trip. I bet my baker would be happy to join in with me!

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Wow looks like you are having a fab time - the food looks immense although the weather looks 'interesting!' Congrats on meeting your deadline - you're a machine!

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Glad you are enjoying Wellington! It was so weird about that storm...I was at work and the skies went black....and less than 15 minutes later it was all clear again.... The forecasts, as usual, were wrong of course. So glad you got to the cheese scone making - it always sells out so fast. Looking forward to the new book too!

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Enjoy your visit (and NZ stay) and congratulations on the new book. You're so prolific (I mean the word that means consistant and dedicated but it's evading me). Looks like you are eating well! That wind sounds a bit scary - is that a gale?

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Hi Jo, Congratulations on finishing Philly and I am eagerly awaiting a copy. I know that Clementine was also a favourite so that will be something to look forward to for Christmas reading. You have really sold me on Wellington. We have only visited briefly on a day tour from a cruise and I think we stayed a night on our North Island driving holiday. You have definitely shown me there is so much to explore so I'm adding it to our travel list. Your photo did prove why it is called 'Windy Wellington'! I've read Foul Play at Seal Bay but not Into the Storm. I've just finished Annie Bot a science fiction book which is way out of my normal genre. Look for my review in this week's WOYBS? Take care and thanks for taking us to Wellington x

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Great news for me Jo, that you have finished Philly No. 3. I'm looking forward to it. I really don't know how you get all the writing done that you do, and still manage to get blog posts up. Awe! I have been to Wellington only once and only for a day on a cruise stopover. I did an all day walk along the coast and into town. All I remember was the wind and going two steps forward and one step back all day, but that it seemed like a place to that I'd like to revisit.

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Congrats on finishing Philly no. 3 - I can't believe how prolific you are with your writing Jo - just gobsmacking! With all your NZ visiting I'm wondering to myself if you might pull up stakes and move over there in your older age.... then I remembered Sarah and thought you'd probably stay put....

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I'd spend the summer months here if I had the choice...

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Yes Wellington is fabulous! those winds tho ... Have just finished the first Philly Barker!


sherry https://sherryspickings.blogspot.com/

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I'm glad you finished Philly. Even my friends said they were the strongest gusts they've felt since living in this house.

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just wondering if it is safe to buy the second Philly book from amazon?

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I will drool over all the food! Congrats on making your deadline. Because even though it is to 2 other people it is you who did it.

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Thanks Bernie.

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