It it helps any you do have some fans lining up (virtually!) waiting for your book releases!! I so rarely buy any books since I read them so fast but I enjoy yours far too much not to purchase them.

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i think we all feel like impostors a fair bit of the time!! I know i do.


sherry https://sherryspickings.blogspot.com/

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I am so excited for your next books. I adore your writing. Even here you nailed it with how you structured the whole post. You aren't an imposter. YOU ARE A WRITER -- a damn good one. Maybe one who procrstineats (love that word) but you are a writer. YOU'VE GOT THIS>

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You are on your way out to the other side. You have identified the problem and are creating a solution to put the problem in the past. Once you start following the steps you have laid out for yourself, nothing will be able to stop you. You go girl!

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Oh gosh I so feel your imposter syndrome pain. At least you have written some books! I’m just starting out with writing and wondering why I’m even bothering.

I recently listened to this podcast episode though that ignited the flame to JFDI!

Good luck getting back on track - we are all waiting for our next instalment 😀


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I can sympathise with all those feeling Jo. I used to have the same issues when I was an ambassador for the Michelle Bridges program. There were times that my head went nuts. So, maybe you needed a chunk of time after work as a marker between worker and author worker. By the way I have had similar conversations with my partner. Don't you hate it when they have all the answers, and especially when you know they're right. Good luck. I need you to keep writing.

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Wow, so much to contemplate here. A fantastic and authentic ramble that makes me want you to succeed at whatever you do.

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Nothing like having a pragmatic husband to bounce off :)

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I love your honesty, Jo. And you know I never picked you for having imposter syndrome. I always admire your go-to attitude and how you keep writing bloody great books. I think you're inspiring and you're definitely someone I look up to.

I so think every indie author struggles with the indie vs trad conundrum. It's not a black and white scenario. There are pros and cons on both sides and for me whenever I waver on my decision to be indie I go back to what I see as success for me. I can't deny I also haven't wanted that kind of big success where readers line up to get their book signed by me and want to share the pictures on their instagram. But, I also see it as fleeting success. There are only a very few who endure long-term success at this level.

I've tried to be an indie and do main-stream things like book events and attend festivals but I often end up feeling like you describe here. And that's not good for me. So I limit these things (which is easy because I live regionally anyway.)

But I love your JFDI attitude. And I'll always be a fan whether your indie, hybrid or trad.

PS I LOVE that daily planner - off to Google it now :)

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You will do it, Jo. You need to write and your readers (both present and future) need you to write. This reader has been waiting (somewhat) patiently for your next book to come her way. And that's the truth. <3

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So good to read this and KNOW who is in charge. Yep you! And welcome to the world of being retired from corporate life but well & truly active in writing life now! Big congratulations! And thanks Grant!

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