It looks like a lot of work Jo - and in the good old days that was fairly standard for biscuits. I think if I was going to put that much work into something I'd go down the vanilla slice route and get more bang for my buck. It's nice to do something for someone you love though - it gives you lots of brownie points :)

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Wife of the year material.

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these biscuits are so pretty and so is the plate they sit on! Yes life is too short for sifting icing sugar so i usually don't even bother (depending on the recipe of course).


Sherry https://sherryspickings.blogspot.com/

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Hm...my other half loves biscuit (cookie) sandwiches. Might have to give these a go. I would definitely use the paper trick. Not keen on the lifting part as they always end up annoying me.

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Jo, these look delicious and very pretty but as you said a bit of a "faff". I think I will try to find a place to buy them. Your plating is beautiful.

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Yum! What a lovely bikkie!

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Dedicated to perfectionism & love of husband & his heritage! Many brownie points coming your way. Oops just saw Leanne used similar point scoring! Xx

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