Prunes?? I can't imagine but I love the sound of the barley in the soup. I make a Scotch broth from beef bones with tatties and neeps and barley and love it. I might just try the barley in my chicken soup next time and not call it chicken noodle (I usually use these really fine pasta noodles that are hard to find). Isn't it interesting that it has been proven to help with colds?

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It's weird isn't it? The prune thing. Historically they were a thing in this soup, possibly even before leeks were a thing in it. And by historically I'm talking 18th, 19th century historic. I can't be doing with them, but each to their own, I guess.

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I hope that by the time I am reading this post, life has settled down. I think the idea of adding the prunes at the end would make for a rather tasty cup of soup.

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Lovely - the proper recipe has prunes.

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Yes ... I was reading how prunes were in it even before leeks which popped up in recipes of the 18th century.

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